2021 Uro-oncology Coding Update

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Michael A Ferragamo






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90 Minutes

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2021 Uro-oncology Coding Update (for the Treatment of Urological Tumors)

Presently most urologists diagnose and treat urological tumors, both benign and malignant. Coding for these services has recently changed, and the urologist must know and understand these changes both procedure and diagnostic changes and revisions. This will present a problem to urologists and their coders both new and old, and if not solved, will result in a loss of substantial revenue and loss of compliance.

This session will be a complete review of new diagnostic ICD-10-CM codes and the new CPT procedural coding, and their relationships with each other which will be changed for the coming times. Didactic materials as well clinical examples will be used to help attendees learn and master this art of coding.

Didactic and clinical scenarios will be presented to give clear examples of how this coding should be performed. With these examples, the attendees will learn to code correctly and accurately in an easy format.

A listing of new tumor codes both benign and malignant will be included in the presentation and their relationship with each urological organ. This session materials will serve as a reference source for the future and present. One will receive tips on modifier use and bundling of procedures, and which edits should be unbundled to achieve increased but appropriate and legal reimbursements from the various payers.

Tumors of the urinary and genital tract are treated almost every day by most urologists. Coding for these services has recently varied as surgical techniques and surgical approaches have changed. Coupled with the new CPT and ICD-10-CM codes, coding for tumor therapy has increased in complexity leading to incorrect coding, increased denials for payment by many payers, and subsequent loss of entitled revenue. This presentation will extensively deal with these problems and offer corrective measures and allow offices to remain compliant.

Areas Covered

  • will review the full scope of urological treatment of urological tumors,
  • will review ICD-10-CM diagnostic codes for tumors of the kidney, bladder, ureter, and genitalia, both malignant and benign,
  • coding for the treatment of the above tumors,
  • coding for open surgeries, endoscopic, and laparoscopic/robotic procedures,
  • treatment of single and multiple bladder tumors,
  • radical and simple nephrectomies, what distinguishes each procedure from the other,
  • new coding for needle biopsy of the prostate with ultrasound and MRI (fusion biopsy),
  • lymphadenectomy, how to properly code for pelvic simple and extended techniques
  • how to code a procedure when there is no specific CPT code, especially for robotic procedures without a specific CPT code
  • and much more...

Why Should You Attend

Attendees will have a complete presentation of coding for the treatment of urology tumors. "You will not find or need anything more extensive than this conference." After attending this session your payment for tumor care will increase with fewer denials and fewer refunding reimbursements back to payers and carriers because of coding errors.

Who Should Attend

Urologists, surgeons, oncologists, non-physician providers,  and all staff members involved in coding and posting for the treatment of urological tumors will find this session most helpful.

Michael A Ferragamo
Michael A Ferragamo


Dr. Michael A. Ferragamo, Jr., MD, FACS is the former chief of urology of Hempstead Medical Center and of Franklin Medical Center of Long Island, New York, and presently is an assistant clinical professor of urology, State University of New York, Stony Brook School of Medicine. Michael Ferragamo is a consulting editor for Urology Coding Alert and is a coding consultant for many private practices across the United States as well as a coding consultant for several academic institutions such as the Lahey Clinic, Burlington, Mass., Intermountain Urology in Utah, NYU Urology in New York City, and Duke Urology, Durham, North Carolina to name a few.

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  • * For more than 6 attendee call us at +1-800-803-7592 or mail us at cs@conferencepanel.com
  • * For Check and ACH payment call us at +1-800-803-7592 or mail us at cs@conferencepanel.com
  • * Click to download the Order Form
Michael A Ferragamo
Michael A Ferragamo


Dr. Michael A. Ferragamo, Jr., MD, FACS is the former chief of urology of Hempstead Medical Center and of Franklin Medical Center of Long Island, New York, and presently is an assistant clinical professor of urology, State University of New York, Stony Brook School of Medicine. Michael Ferragamo is a consulting editor for Urology Coding Alert and is a coding consultant for many private practices across the United States as well as a coding consultant for several academic institutions such as the Lahey Clinic, Burlington, Mass., Intermountain Urology in Utah, NYU Urology in New York City, and Duke Urology, Durham, North Carolina to name a few.