Correct Coding for Urodynamics in 2021

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Michael A Ferragamo






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60 Minutes

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Urodynamics has become a frequently performed ancillary procedure in many urology and urogynecology offices. There have been changes in the coding for these services which one must master to earn full reimbursements and to avoid claim denials or underpayments. This session will teach attendees step by step through didactic presentations and urodynamic scenarios the most up-to-date and correct coding.

Learning Objectives

  • Who can or should perform urodynamics
  • Locations where urodynamics can be performed
  • How to code for complete or partial urodynamics
  • How to bill/code for voiding films with urodynamics
  • Supervision required for performing urodynamics in the office
  • How to bill for voiding bladder pressure studies alone
  • Which urodynamic studies have been combined into one CPT code
  • How to bill for urodynamics in hospitals and for patients from skilled nursing facilities
  • How to avoid false claims when billing urodynamic services
  • How to bill individual urodynamic studies when they are bundled into one CPT code
  • What studies can replace formal urodynamic studies and how to code them
  • and much more...

Tools and Benefits

Basic and complicated urodynamic coding will be reviewed by the use of clinical examples, modifier use, and "add on" codes.

Who Should Attend

Urologists, gynecologists, urogynecologists, pediatric urologists, and any specialty involved with bladder function and the use of urodynamics as a diagnostic tool. Coders, billers, and office staff wishing to enhance their knowledge of urodynamic coding will benefit from attending this conference.

Michael A Ferragamo
Michael A Ferragamo


Dr. Michael A. Ferragamo, Jr., MD, FACS is the former chief of urology of Hempstead Medical Center and of Franklin Medical Center of Long Island, New York, and presently is an assistant clinical professor of urology, State University of New York, Stony Brook School of Medicine. Michael Ferragamo is a consulting editor for Urology Coding Alert and is a coding consultant for many private practices across the United States as well as a coding consultant for several academic institutions such as the Lahey Clinic, Burlington, Mass., Intermountain Urology in Utah, NYU Urology in New York City, and Duke Urology, Durham, North Carolina to name a few.

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  • * For Check and ACH payment call us at +1-800-803-7592 or mail us at
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Michael A Ferragamo
Michael A Ferragamo


Dr. Michael A. Ferragamo, Jr., MD, FACS is the former chief of urology of Hempstead Medical Center and of Franklin Medical Center of Long Island, New York, and presently is an assistant clinical professor of urology, State University of New York, Stony Brook School of Medicine. Michael Ferragamo is a consulting editor for Urology Coding Alert and is a coding consultant for many private practices across the United States as well as a coding consultant for several academic institutions such as the Lahey Clinic, Burlington, Mass., Intermountain Urology in Utah, NYU Urology in New York City, and Duke Urology, Durham, North Carolina to name a few.