Joint Commission 2022 National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG 2022) for Acute and Critical Access Hospitals

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Laura A Dixon






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120 Minutes

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This program will cover the Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals 2022 (NPSG 2022) for Acute and Critical Access Hospitals 2022 Update. It will discuss other resources to help hospitals comply with the National Patient Safety Goals.

The changes to NPSG 15 are important and address the requirement for the hospital to identify safety risks inherent in its patient population and to identify patients at risk for suicide.

Other 2022 changes will be discussed including using distinct methods of identification for newborns under 01.01.01. This goal is to improve the naming conversation of newborns after delivery to prevent medical errors due to conventional, nondistinct naming methods to prevent wrong tests, wrong procedures, and administering the wrong breastmilk to the infant.

NPSG.02.03.01 is a vital goal as it discusses improving the effectiveness of communication among caregivers. Specifically, reporting of critical results of the test and diagnostic procedures on time. 

Medication safety, in particular medications in the surgical and procedural areas, will be covered. Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals 2022 (NPSG 2022) for Acute and Critical Access Hospitals 2022 program will also cover updates to the Goal addressing the ever-present issue of clinical alarms.

Hospitals should also be familiar with the final CMS hospital worksheet on infection control, and the proposed changes, along with a memo on safe injection practices and infection control breaches.

Wrong-side surgery should never occur but yet, it continues to occur. Not only does it pose a patient safety issue but can cost a facility financial loss and accreditation with Joint Commission and deficiency report from CMS. This 2022 patient safety goals webinar will stress the necessary elements of performance to prevent wrong-side surgery

Learning Objectives

  • Recall the changes to NPSG 15 on prevention of suicide
  • Discuss the infection control goals and the importance of adequate hand hygiene
  • Recall that TJC allows a one-person verification process for checking the blood is accompanied by barcoding
  • Recall the current five medication reconciliation standards and that CMS is looking at this issue in their revised worksheets


  • Goal 1 Improve the accuracy of patient identification
    • Use of 2 identifiers
  • Goal 2 Improve the effectiveness of communication among caregivers
    • Timely reporting of critical test results
  • Goal 3 Improve the safety of using medications
    •  Labeling of medications
    • Reducing harm from anticoagulants
    • Medication reconciliation
  • Goal 6 Alarm Safety
  • Goal 7 Reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections  
    • Hand hygiene
  • Goal 15 Identification inherent suicide risks
    • Preventing patient suicide
  • Universal Protocol changes to prevent wrong-site surgery
    • Performing Time Out

Who Should Attend

This program is designed for anyone involved in implementing and following the Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals including Joint Commission Coordinator, Quality Improvement staff, chief nursing officer (CNO), patient safety officer, nurse educator,  all nurses with direct patient care, pharmacist, pharmacy staff, infection preventionist, OR nurse manager, chief medical officer (CMO), nurse managers, nursing supervisors, nursing directors, policy and procedure team, compliance officers, risk managers, hospital legal counsel, and medication team members.

Laura A Dixon
Laura A Dixon


Laura Dixon | Laura A. Dixon recently served as the Regional Director of Risk Management and Patient Safety for Kaiser Permanente Colorado where she provided consultation and resources to clinical staff. Prior to joining Kaiser, she served as the Director, of Facility Patient Safety and Risk Management and Operations for COPIC from 2014 to 2020. In her role, Ms. Dixon provided patient safety and risk management consultation and training to facilities, practitioners, and staff in multiple states. Such services included the creation of presentations on risk management topics, assessment of healthcare facilities; and development of programs and compilation of reference materials that complement physician-oriented products.

Prior to joining COPIC, she served as the Director, of the Western Region, Patient Safety and Risk Management for The Doctors Company, Napa, California. In this capacity, she provided patient safety and risk management consultation to the physicians and staff in the western United States. Ms. Dixon’s legal experience includes medical malpractice insurance defense and representation of nurses before the Colorado Board of Nursing.

Ms. Laura Dixon has more than twenty years of clinical experience in acute care facilities, including critical care, coronary care, peri-operative services, and pain management.

As a registered nurse and attorney, Laura holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Regis University, RECEP of Denver, a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from Drake University College of Law, Des Moines, Iowa, and a Registered Nurse Diploma from Saint Luke’s School Professional Nursing, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She is licensed to practice law in Colorado and California.

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  • * For Check and ACH payment call us at +1-800-803-7592 or mail us at
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Laura A Dixon
Laura A Dixon


Laura Dixon | Laura A. Dixon recently served as the Regional Director of Risk Management and Patient Safety for Kaiser Permanente Colorado where she provided consultation and resources to clinical staff. Prior to joining Kaiser, she served as the Director, of Facility Patient Safety and Risk Management and Operations for COPIC from 2014 to 2020. In her role, Ms. Dixon provided patient safety and risk management consultation and training to facilities, practitioners, and staff in multiple states. Such services included the creation of presentations on risk management topics, assessment of healthcare facilities; and development of programs and compilation of reference materials that complement physician-oriented products.

Prior to joining COPIC, she served as the Director, of the Western Region, Patient Safety and Risk Management for The Doctors Company, Napa, California. In this capacity, she provided patient safety and risk management consultation to the physicians and staff in the western United States. Ms. Dixon’s legal experience includes medical malpractice insurance defense and representation of nurses before the Colorado Board of Nursing.

Ms. Laura Dixon has more than twenty years of clinical experience in acute care facilities, including critical care, coronary care, peri-operative services, and pain management.

As a registered nurse and attorney, Laura holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Regis University, RECEP of Denver, a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from Drake University College of Law, Des Moines, Iowa, and a Registered Nurse Diploma from Saint Luke’s School Professional Nursing, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She is licensed to practice law in Colorado and California.