Conference Panel | basics-of-health-information-privacy-compliance-updates-for-2024

Basics of Health Information Privacy Compliance – Updates for 2024

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The Problem Addressed by this Webinar

In 2024 the Basics of Health Information Privacy Compliance will not just be about HIPAA and OCR investigations anymore. HIPAA still applies nationwide to HIPAA-regulated entities – Health Care Providers, Health Plans, and Business Associates. But now there are new, active, and aggressive enforcers protecting the privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information: They are:

  • The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
  • Private Class Action Lawsuits
  • State Regulators including Attorneys General

They are using new or revised laws, new strategies, and in some cases enforcing existing laws in a new way.

Learning Points

  • Threats – Increased Health Information Breaches by criminals
  • The New Enforcers – public and private supplementing OCR
  • New laws already in place
  • New Laws in 2024 including HIPAA Privacy Rule modifications
  • Strategies to protect your organization in this new environment

This webinar focuses on 2024 – the sudden health information privacy challenges and enforcement changes you must prepare to navigate.

Areas Covered

  • HIPAA Compliance and Enforcement in 2024
  • What are the HIPAA Rules & How will the Privacy Rule change?
  • Non-HIPAA Regulated Entities
  • New Enforcers – New Laws
  • Strategies to Protect Your Organization
    • Risk Analysis & Risk Management
  • Responsibility & Delegation of Authority
  • Policies – Procedures - Training

Why Should You Attend

2024 brings brand new challenges to protecting health information. 2023 will be remembered as the year that enforcement of health information privacy breaches suddenly got very serious and spread way beyond HIPAA enforcement by OCR. Attend this webinar to catch up with the new enforcement wave and protect yourself in 2024.

Who Should Attend

  • Health Care Providers
  • Health Plans
  • Business Associates
  • Health App Developers
  • Non-HIPAA Regulated Entities with Individually Identifiable Health Information
  • Compliance Committee Members – Board of Directors – Executive Staff
  • Senior Management
  • Compliance and Risk Management Officials
  • Attorneys for HIPAA Regulated Entities – In-house and Outside Counsel
  • Attorneys for Non-HIPAA Regulated Entities
  • HIPAA Compliance Officials – Privacy and Security Officers
  • Information Technology Managers
  • Practice and Office Managers
  • Patient Engagement Specialists
  • Sales and Marketing Managers
  • Risk Managers
  • Health Care Providers practicing as individuals or in small groups
  • Group Health Plan Administrators

Webinar Details


Paul R. Hales




HIPAA and Compliance Conference


60 Minutes

Paul R. Hales
Paul R. Hales

(Health Privacy Attorney)

Paul R. Hales, J.D. is widely recognized for his ability to explain HIPAA Rules clearly in plain language. He is an attorney licensed to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States, a graduate of Columbia University Law School, and a Senior Counselor of the Missouri Bar with an international practice in HIPAA privacy and security. Paul is the author of all content in The HIPAA E-Tool®, an Internet-based, complete HIPAA compliance solution with separate editions for Covered Entities, Business Associates, Health Plans, and Third Party Administrators.